Duly Noted: Script Editor Training 2021

We are inviting applications for Duly Noted, a script editor training programme for experienced development creatives in the industry who are People of Colour.
– What is Duly Noted?
We’ve noticed that where diversity is concerned, emphasis in the industry has been placed on front-of-camera representation, writer development and entry-level access schemes.
In addition, we believe that in order for diverse representation to be meaningful, supported and sustainable, the editorial teams supporting them need to be equally diverse. As the TV landscape becomes ever more competitive, audiences are hungry to see themselves authentically reflected on-screen, and broadcasters must fight for every set of eyeballs. It is imperative then for content makers to represent the world that they are doing business in. The cost of not doing so is to become irrelevant. So, when it comes to creating believable depictions of the world, having a diverse creative team to help find and craft these stories is just as vital as who’s in front of the camera.
Development is at the start of every TV project. The development creative is there from the point of inception when an idea is sparked – making sure it’s nurtured, shaped, and given life. It’s people in these roles, from the in-house Development Assistant to Executives, who are vital in supporting the integrity of diverse slate.
We are here to help equip development professionals with the necessary skills to move into production script editing roles, especially at the point when a project transitions from development to production.
Professionals in these roles can be less equipped to deal with stickier, more production orientated conversations because of a lack of production experience, support, insight and on the ground know-how into the holistic process. And, when the decision is out of your hands, with your next career step somewhat determined by a higher authority, it’s hard to push back, challenge, insist and fight to hold onto your project – for the sake of your project and, critically, for your own career advancement.
We recognise that in order for People of Colour working in the industry to rise through the ranks to key influential positions, experience across development and production is tantamount. Not simply for our own CVs, but in our ability to support key members of the creative team – the writers and directors – from the inception of an idea all the way through to its transmission.
With Duly Noted as professional development training, we aim to begin bridging the gap between development and production – by encouraging the creatives conceiving the story with writers. Because these are the same creatives guiding writers through the process of development, and enabling the transition from development into production. The goal of Duly Noted is to equip People of Colour in editorial positions for this process, so that with their projects, they are able to take that crucial next step themselves.
– What structure will the training take?
With 5 spaces available for production script editing training, Duly Noted will consist of 4 full-day workshops involving the nuts and bolts of production script editing, as well as in-depth group and panel discussions. The workshops will be supplemented with ‘at-home’ assignments and 2 one-to-one mentoring sessions.
Hosted by Eleven, the programme will run one Saturday a month from January to April 2021. With the support of Eleven and Sony Pictures Television, Duly Noted is a paid training opportunity.
– How do I apply or recommend someone?
We are looking for creative development professionals who are People of Colour with at least 1.5 years experience in scripted comedy or drama and must have the right to work in the UK. A question we often hear in general and advice-giving career meetings is – how do I take that next step to become a Script Editor? This programme is designed in response to that specific question, with professionals at this key stage in their career in mind. It’s crucial that individuals are yet to cut their teeth on production script editing, but are chomping at the bit to do so.
Send an email to dulynoted@elevenfilm.com with an updated CV attached, telling us about you or why you think this person would benefit from script editor training.
Please note that we will only use personal information supplied to us for the reasons it has been provided for. We will only hold information for as long as necessary to fulfil that purpose. We will not pass information to any other parties unless this is made clear at the time supplied. In this instance, we will share personal information with prospective mentors to help support applications. All parties who have access to personal data or are associated with the handling of that data are obliged to respect confidentiality.
We will be accepting submissions and nominations until Wednesday 9th December – unsuccessful applicants will be notified by Tuesday 22nd December 22.